Whitmer Signs Bill That Treats 17-Year-Olds Who Are Charged With a Crime as Juveniles Rather Than Adults

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Thursday signed “Raise the Age” legislation that increased the age a person can be charged with a crime as an adult from 17 years old to 18 years old. A stipulation in the bill allows for 17-year-olds who are charged with crimes like rape or murder to be tried as adults.

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Michigan Republicans Say Pelosi’s Impeachment Inquiry Has Left Their Constituents ‘In the Dark’

The Republican members of Michigan’s congressional delegation sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week calling for more transparency in the impeachment inquiry.

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Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Medicare For All’ Plan Overlooks Cost of Illegal Alien Coverage

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said her “Medicare for All” plan won’t require a tax increase on the middle class and will return $11 trillion to American families, but her plan doesn’t factor in the cost of universal coverage for illegal aliens.

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Michigan Republicans Say Pelosi’s Impeachment Inquiry Has Left Their Constituents ‘In the Dark’

The Republican members of Michigan’s congressional delegation sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week calling for more transparency in the impeachment inquiry.

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Commentary: The Impeachment Schiff Show

After preparing a failed bill of particulars against the president—Russian election collusion, porn star payoffs, income tax evasion, obstruction of justice, the Emoluments Clause, the 25th Amendment, the Charlottesville rally, the two Michaels (Avenatti and Cohen), Deutsche Bank, Alfa-Bank, and Orange Man Bad—Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) finally has Trump dead-to-rights: A quid pro quo without the quid, the pro, or the quo.

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Commentary: How Trump Can Declare War on the Homeless-Industrial Complex

California’s homeless crisis is now visible to everyone living in the state. Along with tens of thousands of homeless who are concentrated in various parts of major cities, additional thousands are widely dispersed. If you drive into most major urban centers, you will see tent encampments along freeway junctions, under bridges, along frontages, and beside drainage culverts. In smaller towns, they congregate by the dozens in parks and parking lots, along the streets and in the alleys. And in the inland suburbs, they camp out in ravines and along flood-control channels. In California’s largest cities, by the tens of thousands, they erect makeshift housing along sidewalks, using tarpaulins draped over shopping carts, tents, boxes. It is completely out of control. Billions have been spent to ameliorate the situation, and these billions have only served to make the situation worse than ever.

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Activists Want to Abolish Your Kid’s Honors Classes, Cite ‘White Toxicity’ and ‘Supremacist’ Values of High Achievement

School systems across the country are seeking to abolish honors classes, teach how math has been used to oppress people, and let truant students into gifted schools. Advocates say the moves are aimed at diminishing an achievement gap between demographic groups.

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Michigan Democrats Introduce Bills to Provide Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

Michigan Democrats called a press conference Thursday to introduce their Drive SAFE legislation, a pair of bills that would provide driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants in the state.

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Commentary: Stapling Green Cards to Diplomas Is Stupid and Suicidal

I was flabbergasted to hear Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk telling students at a university campus lecture last week that “We should staple a green card behind your diploma.” He repeated this nonsense at Ohio State University during a “Culture War” tour stop this week, asserting that any foreign national who graduates from any “four-year college” should get a green card if any “American employer” needs to fill a job.

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WH Official Testifies He Was ‘Not Concerned That Anything Illegal Was Discussed’ on Ukraine Call

The White House’s top official for European affairs told Congress on Thursday that he was not concerned that “anything illegal” was discussed during the July 25 phone call between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart that is at the center of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.

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Dip in Test Scores Correlates with Enactment of Common Core

Fourth and eighth grade students in the U.S. again showed no to little improvement in their average reading and mathematics scores, according to a report released this week, a decrease that correlates with the enactment of the Common Core.

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Michigan Democrats Introduce Bills to Provide Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

Michigan Democrats called a press conference Thursday to introduce their Drive SAFE legislation, a pair of bills that would provide driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants in the state.

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