‘The Coup Has Started’: Whistleblower Attorney Was Already Tweeting About Impeaching Trump in Jan. of 2017

One of the deep state attorneys representing the so-called “whistleblower” behind the Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquisition, has been working toward the impeachment of President Trump since the early days of his administration, recently unearthed tweets reveal.

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Roger Stone Judge Refuses to Strike Anti-Trumper From Jury Pool

The judge overseeing the trial of Roger Stone rejected a request from the Trump confidant’s defense lawyers Tuesday to remove a potential juror whose husband works on the Justice Department unit involved in the Russia investigation and who admitted to having negative views of President Donald Trump, according to reports.

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Jim Jordan Addresses Rumor He May Be Temporarily Added to the House Intel Committee to Push Back on Impeachment

During an interview with Fox & Friends Tuesday morning, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) made big news when he was asked whether he was going to be added to the House Intelligence Committee. Jordan, who is currently on House Oversight, responded, “We’ll see. That’s a call for Leader McCarthy. If Kevin and ranking member Nunes want that to happen, I just want to help our team.”

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Rep. Dingell Plans ‘100 Percent Clean Economy Act’ in Response to Withdrawal from Paris Accord

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI-12) said she plans to introduce a “100 Percent Clean Economy Act” after President Donald Trump announced that his administration plans to formally withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.

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Rep. Dingell Plans ‘100 Percent Clean Economy Act’ in Response to Withdrawal from Paris Accord

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI-12) said she plans to introduce a “100 Percent Clean Economy Act” after President Donald Trump announced that his administration plans to formally withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.

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Republicans Call On Whitmer to Restore Funding for Mental Health Program for Students, Pure Michigan Campaign

Several Republican Michigan representatives are calling for restored funding in the state budget for initiatives vetoed by the governor, including the Pure Michigan campaign and programs designed to help students with mental health issues and special needs.

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Commentary: The Military-Intelligence Complex

Much has been written about the so-called Resistance of disgruntled Clinton, Obama, and progressive activists who have pledged to stop Donald Trump’s agenda. The choice of the noun “Resistance,” of course, conjures up not mere “opposition,” but is meant to evoke the French “resistance” of World War II – in the melodramatic sense of current loyal progressive patriots doing their best to thwart by almost any means necessary the Nazi-like Trump.

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Weber State University Student Michael Moreno Exposes Debate Instructor Ryan Wash’s ‘Anti-White,’ ‘Anti-Academic’ Assertions in Viral Recordings

Audio recorded by a student at Utah’s Weber State University reveals what the student says is evidence of his debate professor’s “anti-white” attitudes. In addition to asserting that the notion that science and space being “fake” in that they are “white fantasies” is a valid argument, the instructor also defends students who present a plan to launch all white people into outer space.

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School Districts Push A Return To Busing, Despite Their Own Data Suggesting It Won’t Reduce The ‘Achievement Gap’

Multiple school districts across the country are considering busing-style programs to distribute impoverished students equally, but data suggest that such proposals would not reduce an achievement gap between poor students and their wealthier schoolmates, analyses by the Daily Caller News Foundation and others found.

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Sanctuary County Rolls Back Its Anti-ICE Policy Following String Of Illegal Aliens Charged With Rape

Following months of national media coverage over the handling of illegal aliens in his custody, Montgomery County, Maryland, Executive Marc Elrich has somewhat reversed a sanctuary policy he signed into law.

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Trump Lawyer Will Appeal to the Supreme Court After Appeals Court Ruling on Tax Returns

President Donald Trump’s personal attorney is vowing to go to the Supreme Court after a federal appeals court ruled that Trump’s tax returns must be provided to a grand jury in Manhattan as part of a local investigation into a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

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Retired Army Officer Remembers Lt. Col. Vindman as Partisan Democrat Who Ridiculed America

by Debra Heine   A retired Army officer who worked with Democrat “star witness” Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in Grafenwoher, Germany, claims Vindman “really talked up” President Barack Obama and ridiculed America and Americans in front of Russian military officers. In an eye-opening thread on Twitter last week, retired U.S. Army…

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Republican Jewish Coalition Releases Ad Bashing 2020 Democrats For Failure To Support Israel

The Republican Jewish Coalition released its first ad Monday accusing Democratic 2020 presidential candidates of being anti-Israel.

The ad targets Jewish voters, warning that the “radical left” has taken over the Democratic Party and aims to “undo decades of bipartisan support for America’s crucial ally.”

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Commentary: Grab the Popcorn and Watch as Piers Morgan Battles Transgenderism Run Amok on Live Television

Should Piers Morgan be fired for his view on gender?

The BBC recently endorsed an apparatus to support more than two gender identities. Piers Morgan highlighted this decision in an interview with gay journalist Benjamin Butterworth during which the former expressed frustration with the conversation, saying:

I feel insulted and offended that you’re calling me a ‘cis-man’ when I’m actually a man.

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LEAHY: ‘USA on Way to Becoming Two Countries Divided by Common Language Where Same Words Mean Different Things to Each Side’

“The United States of America is well on its way to becoming two countries divided by a common language where the same words mean entirely different things to each side,” host Michael Patrick Leahy told co-host Doug Kellett Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report Early Edition with Michael Patrick Leahy and Doug Kellett – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am.

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Steve Bannon Tells Fox News Joe and Hunter Biden Are Like a Hand Grenade That Will ‘Blow Back’ on Democrats in Impeachment Process

Steve Bannon appeared on Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to discuss House Democrats’ vote on rules to start an impeachment inquiry.

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Commentary: Doing the Impeachment Math

Welcome to the new and improved Get Trump Daily, special impeachment edition. A couple of days ago, on Halloween, a cute kid of about 7 came to our door dressed up as a dinosaur. It was a pretty nifty costume, green with spindling protuberances, tail with spiky-things, and bits on the head that expanded in a showy way when the budding tyrannosaur pressed a button.

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Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Trump’s Health Care Rule For Immigrants

A federal judge has, at least temporarily, blocked the Trump administration from implementing a rule that would require immigrants prove that they have health insurance or can afford to pay for it.

Judge Michael Simon of the federal district court in Portland, Oregon, issued a nationwide temporary restraining order Saturday, barring President Donald Trump from implementing his health care requirement for foreign nationals applying for legal permanent status.

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