‘Popular Vote’ Movement Would Shift Power to Big Cities, Experts Warn

The Electoral College is under threat from states looking to enact legislation that ignores local voters in favor of national election results, experts said during a panel Thursday at The Heritage Foundation.

Responding to a wave of 15 states that have joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact since the 2016 election, they argued that the Founders instituted the Electoral College to ensure stability and representation to all states.

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The New York Times Describes Decorated War Hero Lt. Col. Jim Hickman as ‘Florida Man’ and ‘Fan of QAnon’

The New York Times on Thursday covered U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jim Hickman’s explosive allegations against Democrat “star witness” Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman by casting aspersions on Hickman’s character.

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Michigan GOP Accuses Whitmer of Holding the Vulnerable ‘Hostage’ After Budget Talks Fall Apart

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republican lawmakers were nearing a deal last week to restore more than $900 million in funding previously vetoed by the governor before negotiations broke down.

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The Prosecution’s ‘Star Witness’ in Roger Stone’s Trial Proved ‘Difficult’ … for Prosecutors

When the federal judge presiding over the trial against Roger Stone referred to the government’s star witness, Randy Credico, as “difficult” on Friday, none of the members of the jury or others in the Washington, D.C., court room overheard her pointed remarks.

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Commentary: Senators Blackburn and Hawley Want to Move Washington Out of Washington

What do you suppose the Alliance for American Advertising has in common with the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, the American Society of Civil Engineers, or American Apparel and Footwear? Apart from beginning with the letter “A,” they are among the nearly 3,500 trades or firms that have dedicated lobbying operations in Washington, D.C.

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National Students for Justice in Palestine Conference at UMN Receives Major Backlash

The David Horowitz Freedom Center once again named the University of Minnesota on its list of “Top Ten Colleges that Promote Jew Hatred and Incite Terrorism” in its recent report. Following the release of this report, newspapers with this information were distributed around the University of Minnesota campus.

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Slotkin Stands By Opposition to Medicare for All, Declines to Clarify Stance on Health Care for Illegal Aliens

U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-13) stood by her opposition to Medicare for All during a raucous Friday night town hall, but declined to say whether she supports providing health care to illegal aliens.

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As Predicted, Jim Jordan Joins Intelligence Committee to Fight Impeachment

Rumors began to swirl this week that Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) would be appointed to the Intelligence Committee to fight the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. The Ohio Star reported the story on Thursday. On Friday the announcement was made that Jordan had been assigned to the committee.

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Commentary: The Republican Revolution at 25 – What Did It Give Us?

Ending decades of futility, Republican politicians, led by Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, gained control of both houses of Congress in the 1994 mid-term elections. The Contract with America enabled Republicans to pick up 54 seats in Congress and eight seats in the Senate, power the party had not experienced for roughly 40 years.

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Nunes Formally Calls on Adam Schiff to Testify as Part of Impeachment ‘Show Trial’

Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes on Friday formally called on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to testify about his or his aides’ contacts with the Trump whistleblower as part of what he’s calling the impeachment “show trial” against President Donald Trump.

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Slotkin Stands By Opposition to Medicare for All, Declines to Clarify Stance on Health Care for Illegal Aliens

U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-13) stood by her opposition to Medicare for All during a raucous Friday night town hall, but declined to say whether she supports providing health care to illegal aliens.

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Commentary: The Good Economic News No One Heard About

A few weeks ago, the Census Bureau released the 2018 Income and Poverty in the United States report, but you probably didn’t see anything about it because it received scant attention in the establishment media because it reported such positive results mostly attributable to President Trump’s economic policies. Instead, what little media attention that the report received focused on a meaningless measure of income “inequality.”

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Commentary: The President Has Authority to Withhold Appropriated Funds Under Law While Considering a Deferral or Rescission

If the President is considering whether to defer or rescind military assistance to a foreign country, but has not yet made a decision to do so under the Impoundment Control Act, is he required to notify Congress? That’s what Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) wants to know and is asking the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to report on.

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Nessel, Ellison Praise Judge for Blocking Trump Admin Religious Liberty Rule

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel praised a district court for its decision to block a Trump Administration rule that would have allowed health care workers to refuse certain services on religious liberty grounds.

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Michigan Budget Talks Stall Again Between Whitmer and GOP Leaders as They Remain Apart on Key Issues

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republican congressional leaders did not take any action after Thursday’s meeting to address issues around the almost $1 billion left out of Michigan’s final budget.

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Trump to Hire a Foreign Agent, From Firm Linked to Previous Case of Alleged Giuliani Meddling, to Advise on Impeachment

President Donald Trump is reportedly set to hire Pam Bondi to advise him on strategies for dealing with Democrats’ impeachment efforts, which relate to allegations that he and his attorney Rudy Giuliani improperly mixed politics and foreign affairs.

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Commentary: From Bullets to Ballots, and Back to Bullets?

At the beginning of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln summed up the case against partisan impeachment when he reminded his countrymen that, “It is now for [Americans] to demonstrate to the world that those who can fairly carry an election can also suppress a rebellion; that ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets, and that when ballots have fairly and constitutionally decided there can be no successful appeal back to bullets; that there can be no successful appeal except to ballots themselves at succeeding elections.”

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