Poll: Joe Biden’s Rising Costs, Open Border More Worrisome than Donald Trump’s Abortion Policy

Breitbart   Voters worry more about President Joe Biden’s inflationary and open border policies than former President Donald Trump’s abortion policy, Cook Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group polling confirmed Thursday. The polling appears to confirm that Trump’s immigration and economic messages sabotage and undermine the attraction of Biden’s most popular 2024 issue, health care, and thus…

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Hundreds of Non-Citizens on State Voter Rolls, but Democrats Say GOP Concerns Are ‘Election Denialism’

Democrats insist Republicans’ claims about non-citizen voting in U.S. elections is election denialism, despite states reporting hundreds of non-citizens were found and removed from their voter rolls.

As House Republicans passed bills ensuring that only U.S. citizens vote in federal elections, Democrats claimed that concerns over non-citizens voting is merely a GOP effort to undermine faith in elections ahead of the November presidential election.

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Biden Administration Seeks to Speed Up Backlog of Asylum Seekers in Blue Cities

The Biden Administration is facing growing pressure to more quickly resolve asylum cases that are putting a strain on Democratic cities, announcing a new process that will ostensibly help accomplish this goal.

According to Fox News, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) jointly announced the creation of a “Recent Arrivals (RA) Docket process,” aimed at processing asylum cases for single illegal alien adults at a faster pace.

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Michigan Republicans Seek Criminalization of Human Smuggling and Aiding Illegal Immigrants

CBP Arrest

With border exposure and natural ports, Michigan Republicans want to change state law to make human smuggling illegal and criminalize harboring and transporting people who are or have entered the country illegally.

There are no state-level criminal penalties for human smuggling.

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Commentary: Trump’s Trials Don’t Hurt Him in the Polls

Donald Trump at Rally

Donald Trump is out on bail in four jurisdictions facing dozens of felony charges and it does not seem to affect his ratings in the surveys. Many people wonder why.

First of all, let me assure you that Donald Trump is not made of Teflon. Rather, he is probably the most polarizing politician on earth right now. While he does have a very enthusiastic base, a majority of Americans in almost every poll have an unfavorable opinion about him. So it’s not that the various attacks, scandals, allegations, and bad press he has faced ever since he has entered politics have not affected his ratings. They have. Remember that even on the day when he won the presidential election back in 2016, he was the most negatively seen winning presidential candidate in history.

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Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Allowing Arizona Doctors to Perform Abortions in California

Gavin Newsom

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday allowing Arizona doctors to become temporarily licensed in California to perform abortions should their state’s near-total ban on the procedure ever take effect.

California Senate Bill 233 passed the state legislature on May 23 in response to a recent Arizona Supreme Court ruling effectively banning abortion in the state. The Arizona ruling went into effect on April 9, but was quickly overturned by the state legislature.

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Billionaire-Funded Media Matters Lays Off Staff

A far-left media organization, initially funded by billionaire George Soros and known for labeling conservatives as “racists,” has laid off several of its staff members. 

“We’re confronting a legal assault on multiple fronts and given how rapidly the media landscape is shifting, we need to be extremely intentional about how we allocate resources in order to stay effective,” said Media Matters president Angelo Carusone. Nobody does what Media Matters does. So, we’re taking this action now to ensure that we are sustainable, sturdy and successful for whatever lies ahead.”

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Luxury Electric Vehicle Maker Becomes Latest in Industry to Announce Huge Layoffs

Lucid Motors

Electric vehicle (EV) maker Lucid Motors announced that the company would be laying off staff in a bid to lower expenses amid a slowdown in the market.

The layoffs will affect 6% of its workforce, equating to around 400 employees, and will trim from all employee levels, including leadership and mid-level management, according to a filing submitted Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Lucid is one of several EV makers to announce layoffs in recent months as consumers decline to adopt the product at the rate expected.

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Groups Sue over Bureau of Land Management Leasing Rule

Deb Haaland

Several groups have sued over a new Bureau of Land Management leasing rule they argue will harm indigenous communities and put small businesses out of business.

Western Energy Alliance, the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico, New Mexico Oil and Gas Association, North Dakota Petroleum Council, Petroleum Association of Wyoming, and Utah Petroleum Association sued Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and the BLM in the U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming.

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Commentary: A Tumultuous School Year Winds Down

Teacher and Classroom

As the school year nears completion, a quick look at recent developments shows an education system in turmoil. The unions are more political than ever, their demands are shameless, lawsuits against the establishment abound, and school choice is rapidly expanding.

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