Florida Representative Draws Up Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden over Delayed Israel Aid

Cory Mills
by Misty Severi


Florida GOP Rep. Cory Mills is drawing up articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on Thursday, over his delay of weapons and aid to Israel for invading Gaza.

An impeachment precedent was set, conservative lawmakers argue, when former President Donald Trump was impeached for the same offense in 2019, after he decided to withhold aid for Ukraine.

Mills claims that Biden made a “quid pro quo” situation with Israel by maintaining that it would only get a weapons shipment if it did not invade Rafah.

“The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden,” Mills said in a statement shared with Just the News. “Joe Biden is pressuring Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East, by pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House, if they don’t stop all operations with Hamas. It’s a very clear message, ‘this for that.’

“These are the same accusations made against President Trump, which resulted in his impeachment by Democrats,” Mills added. “The same must happen for Joe Biden, which is why we’re drawing up articles of impeachment now.”

The Biden administration reportedly halted an ammunition shipment to Israel over the country’s invasion of Rafah, despite Congress approving more aid to the war-torn country last month. The delay comes after Democratic senators urged Biden to withhold the aid because Israel’s government is allegedly blocking humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza.

A “U.S. official” confirmed to Fox News that the halted shipment contained two types of precision bombs. Approximately 1,800 bombs that weigh 2,000-pounds were one type. The second type were 500-pound bombs, where 1,700 were set to be delivered.

Other conservative lawmakers such as Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton have also urged the House to impeach Biden because of the precedent set with Trump. The former president was acquitted by the Senate.

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Misty Severi is a reporter for Just the News. 





Reprinted with permission from Just the News 

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