Anti-Trump PAC ‘Lincoln Project’ Funnels Millions of Donor Dollars to Firms Owned by Insiders

Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson, Trump Event

Roughly one-third of the funds spent by the Lincoln Project, a PAC founded by ex-Republican political consultants with the aim of stopping former President Donald Trump, this election cycle has gone to firms controlled by its senior operatives, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.

The Lincoln Project has spent $12.8 million since January 2023, and just over $4 million of that has gone to firms owned by members of its leadership, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of FEC records. Fox Business in 2021 reported that more than half of the $90 million the Lincoln Project had raised for the 2020 election was paid out to firms owned by leaders.

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Stacey Abrams’ PAC Pulls in $104 Million in First Two Years, among Top Political Fundraising Groups

Stacey Abrams

The political action committee for former Georgia state lawmaker and gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has raised over $100 million in the first two years of its existence, making it one of the top fundraising PACs in the country.

The Fair Fight PAC was created by Abrams after she failed to win the 2018 Georgia governor’s race. She has since devoted much of her efforts toward fundraising and get-out-the voter efforts for fellow Democrats running for office.

Of the $104 million so far raised, $90 million was part of the 2020 election cycle, $8 million was for this year’s special Senate elections in Georgia, in which Democrats took both GOP-held seats, and the other $6 million has been raised since February, according to The Hill newspaper.

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Pompeo to Launch PAC Supporting Republicans in 2022

Mike Pompeo

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is launching a super PAC to help elect conservatives in the 2022 midterms, Politico reported Tuesday.

The Champion American Values PAC (CAVPAC) will allow him to travel the country and raise unlimited funds for members of the GOP running campaigns in local, state, and federal elections.

“We’re going to go out, and we’ve started this already, but we’re going to go out and expand to a greater degree, helping candidates all across the country,” Pompeo told Politico in a phone interview.

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Commentary: Four Things to Know About Biden’s New Voting Czar

Justin Levitt

As Democrats push to expand the federal government’s purview over elections, President Joe Biden has named a former Justice Department official to be a White House adviser on voting issues.

Biden this week tapped Justin Levitt, a Loyola Law School professor, to be his senior adviser for democracy and voting rights.

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Former U.S. Senate Candidate Launches PAC to Help Elect Republicans in 2022

A Republican former U.S. Senate candidate from Michigan is launching a Political Action Committee (PAC) with the goal of helping other GOP candidates get elected in 2022.

John James is a West Point graduate, Iraq War veteran and businessman who ran twice for U.S. Senate in Michigan. In 2020, he was barely edged out by incumbent Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) by a 49.6 percent to 48.5 percent margin. 

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Inside the Dark Money Dem Group Using an Umbrella Network to Flay Trump Over His Virus Response

by Chris White   Two left-leaning large super pac groups that kickstarted a digital ad campaign targeting President Donald Trump’s coronavirus response have ties to a wealthy, shadowy dark money network. American Bridge 21st Century and Pacronym are reportedly cutting ads thrashing Trump’s handling of the virus and becoming two…

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