Drivers Successfully Charge Their Electric Vehicles Only 78 Percent of the Time, Study Shows

Electric Vehicle

Imagine going to gas stations to fill up your car and finding that two out of ten times, the pumps aren’t working. 

That’s what electric vehicle owners are facing, according to a study by the Harvard Business School and the Georgia Institute of Technology. 

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Hundreds of Sociology Syllabi Contain Liberal Bias Across Assignments and Readings, Survey Finds

Through a Freedom of Information Act request, Campus Reform obtained copies of the syllabi from Spring 2021 undergraduate sociology classes at six universities.

Universities include: the University of Virginia, the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Ohio State University–Columbus, University of Wisconsin–Madison, and University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign.

In total, Campus Reform surveyed 201 undergraduate course syllabi across these institutions. This number included 25 100-level introduction to sociology courses, which are sometimes taken by non-majors to fulfill general education requirements. The results of the survey, divided into the categories of assignments, biased language, and common textbooks and readings, are below.

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