Professor Instructs Class to Watch Gay Porn to Learn If They Are Bisexual

by Alexa Schwerha   A Pennsylvania State University sociology professor reportedly instructed straight students to watch “gay or lesbian porn” to learn if they are bisexual, Fox News reported. Sam Richards told students in SOC 119 that watching porn could make them realize that they are attracted to members of the same…

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Newest Iteration of Superman Comes Out as Bisexual

The latest version of the iconic comic book hero Superman will be coming out as bisexual in an upcoming issue, according to CNN.

The Superman in question is actually not the original “Man of Steel,” Clark Kent, who has held the title for over 80 years, but is instead the son of Kent and his longtime love interest, reporter Lois Lane. In the upcoming fifth issue of the series “Superman: Son of Kal-El,” Jon Kent will start a relationship with a purple-haired male reporter named Jay Nakamura, thus revealing himself to be bisexual.

DC Comics, the creator of Superman, has marketed the upcoming issue with a rainbow logo reading “DC Pride.” Tom Taylor, a current writer for the series, released a statement saying that “Superman’s symbol has always stood for hope, for truth and for justice. Today, that symbol represents something more. Today, more people can see themselves in the most powerful superhero in comics.”

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