Commentary: The Myth of Joe Biden the Moderate


The Democratic Party’s Washington DC establishment is desperately trying to make Lunch Bucket Joe Biden look like a “moderate” to disguise how far to the Left their party moved during Donald Trump’s first term.

Setting aside Biden’s rapidly increasing propensity to have brain freezes and bizarre episodes of confusion out on the campaign trail, the former VP has revealed himself to be no “moderate” on issue after issue.

The latest evidence that Biden is no moderate came in a last-minute pre-Super Tuesday rally in Texas where he trotted out former Texas Congressman and presidential aspirant Robert Francis O’Rourke AKA “Beto the fake Hispanic” for an endorsement.

“Beto the fake Hispanic” flopped as the Democrats’ candidate against Sen. Ted Cruz and as one of Biden’s opponents for the Democrat nomination for President primarily because, wait for it… his radical policies didn’t sell, especially his plan to confiscate the legally purchased guns of law-abiding citizens.

But as evidence of his “moderation” Sleepy Joe wants to put “Beto the fake Hispanic” in charge of gun policy in the imaginary Biden presidency.

This is chilling. O’Rourke repeatedly said he would send armed agents door-to-door to forcibly take away firearms from law-abiding Americans – and Joe Biden is apparently on board because he “guaranteed” that he will put “Beto the fake Hispanic” in charge of “leading the effort” to “take care of the gun problem.”

And Biden isn’t “moderate” on abortion either.

As the Los Angeles Times reported, the last time Biden cast a vote in the Senate — 2008 — the ban on federal funds for abortion, known as the Hyde Amendment, was widely accepted by Republican and Democratic lawmakers, as well as mainstream abortion-rights groups.

By the time the Obama administration ended, by contrast, Democrats had adopted a call for repeal of the Hyde Amendment as part of their 2016 party platform.

Biden once voted to ban certain abortion procedures conducted late in pregnancy and was proud of his “middle of the road” position against the federal funding of abortion, as he wrote in his 2007 book, “Promises to Keep.”

However, last summer the Biden campaign reaffirmed he still supported the longtime ban on using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions under Medicaid, a health program for low-income persons. After an outcry from other Democrats and abortion-rights supporters, within 24-hours he reversed course and, in line with his party’s official policy, now opposes any restrictions on abortion up to and including the moment of birth.

Our friend Deroy Murdock posted a great column about the Democrat candidates for President which we caught on NewsMax.

Mr. Murdock’s point was that while not all of those still in the race for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President may not be full-blown socialists, like Senator Bernie Sanders, the balderdash that they are even vaguely centrist is either desperately uninformed or deliberately dishonest.

And this isn’t just Mr. Murdock’s opinion; he backed it up by citing the legislative scorecards of various conservative and progressive organizations.

It turns out that several legislative scorecards confirm this incredible fact: Bernie Sanders’ senatorial vote record repeatedly puts him to the right of Klobuchar and Biden!

According to Mr. Murdock’s research, Americans for Democratic Action awarded Sanders a 2018 Liberal Quotient of 100%, — a perfect Left-wing score. The “moderate” Klobuchar tailgated Sanders with a 95% rating that year. But in 2017, Sanders scored a 95, with Klobuchar to his Left at 100. Biden, for his part, earned an 80% Liberal Quotient in 2008, his final year in the Senate. While not as far Left as Klobuchar and Sanders, who both hit 100 that year, noted Mr. Murdock, Biden was much closer to the liberal fast lane than to the middle of the road.

The Democrats’ problem in appealing to moderates is pretty simple – try as they might to disguise their real views, none of the Democrat candidates, especially Joe Biden, are moderates.

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Photo “Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.








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