‘Stop Green Communism’ — Farmer Protests Shut Down French Border and Storm Brussels Before EU Elections


Farmers from across Europe took to their tractors again, swarming Brussels and blockading the border between France and Spain to firmly plant their opposition to the globalist Green Deal agenda in the minds of voters as they head to the polls for the European Parliament elections this week.

“Farmers of the world, unite!” was the slogan as tractors shut down the Franco-Spanish border on both sides of the Pyrenees starting on Monday, according to Le Figaro, which reported that around 200 to 300 French farmers joined the protest which blocked at least seven crossings before disbanding on Tuesday.

Spain’s ABC newspaper reports that the farmers demanded that the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) be “centred on the farmer”, rather than seeing subsidies flow to multinational growers or large landowners.






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