FACT CHECK: Biden’s Claim that Illegal Border Crossings Lower than Trump’s Is False

Joe Biden in front of southern border wall (composite image)

During President Joe Biden’s address to the American public Wednesday night, he said his administration secured the border.

Without discussing border policies in his 10-minute address, he touted his efforts in two sentences, saying, “We are also securing our border. Border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office.”

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‘She’s Lost Her Mind’: Former ICE Chief Reacts to Pelosi’s Plan to Give Illegal Aliens Stimulus Funds

A former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) claims House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus relief package exploits the pandemic to push a progressive agenda.

“Nancy Pelosi and her party, they are taking advantage of this crisis to push a radical agenda. Look, she wants to use our taxpayer’s money to reward illegal behavior,” said Tom Homan on Fox News Thursday. Homan led ICE early on in the Trump administration.

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