Democrats Ignore Concerns over Non-Citizen Voting, Despite Thousands Found on Voter Rolls

Vote Sign

A sizeable number of Democrats have downplayed concerns over non-citizens voting, while more states find thousands of them registered to vote ahead of the November presidential election.

As Republicans have attempted to pass a bill through Congress ensuring that only U.S. citizens vote in federal elections, Democrats have pushed back, claiming that non-citizens are already prohibited from voting in U.S. elections. However, states have continued to find non-citizens on their voter rolls, and some who may have have voted in federal elections, after being registered to vote through the motor vehicles department.

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Election Integrity Becomes More Mainstream Despite Democratic Opposition

Voter Registration

Election-integrity policies are increasing gaining mainstream appeal and acceptance, despite Democrats opposing them under their repeated claim that they are only part of right-wing falsehoods.

From preventing non-citizen voting in U.S. elections to voter ID, Democrats have largely opposed a wide range of election integrity policies that a majority of Americans believe are necessary for the security of elections.

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