Commentary: After Telework Surge, Federal Buildings Remain Largely Empty

Empty Office

More than two years after the Biden administration called on all federal agencies to create plans to bring employees who teleworked during the COVID pandemic back to the office, the vast majority of Washington, D.C.’s federal buildings are still sprawling expanses of empty, echoing hallways and offices. 

In fact, 17 of 24 federal agencies use an estimated 25% or less of their headquarters’ office capacity, according to an updated survey by the General Accounting Office, a government agency that provides auditing and investigative services for Congress. 

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Biden Administration Announces New Greenhouse Gas Standards for Federal Buildings

The Biden administration announced Wednesday new greenhouse gas goals and standards for federal buildings.

The White House said it plans “to cut energy use and electrify equipment and appliances in 30 percent of the building space owned by the Federal government by 2030.”

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Portland Riots Caused at Least $2.3M in Damage to Federal Buildings

Left-wing protests in Portland have caused roughly $2.3 million in damage to federal buildings since they broke out over the summer.

Portland was the epicenter of summer protests which included frequent riots, vandalism and clashes with law enforcement.  The two months of near-nightly unrest centered on a federal courthouse downtown.

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