Commentary: Trump Must Reform the Pentagon’s Acquisition Process

The Pentagon

Forget the $500 hammer. The newest report from the Government Accountability Office puts the cost of America’s ailing Lightning II F-35 joint strike fighter at an estimated $2 trillion.

Have all those zeros bought the American taxpayer an invincible flying machine?

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Schweizer: Has $31 Million from the Chinese Compromised President Biden?

The investigative journalist whose new book “Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win” exposes Chinese Communist Party influence in the United States told The Star News Network President Joseph R. Biden Jr., and his family collected $31 million from the CCP and military-intelligence entities under its control.

“The Biden Family has collected some $31 million from deals in China. You’ve got intelligence officials involved, or at least indirectly involved, which raises very troubling questions about whether the Biden Family is compromised,” said Peter Schweizer, whose new book exposes the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated Capitol Hill, Wall Street, sports, entertainment and higher education.

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Commentary: President Trump Is Right to Question Why Important Parts of the F-35 Are Built Outside of America

The fifth-generation F-35 stealth fighter jet by Lockheed Martin has been in development since the 1990s, one of the most expensive military systems ever at a cost of about $80 million per plane, after all these years is still dependent on global supply chains including certain Chinese-made components and rare earth minerals.

From the beginning of the program the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Turkey, and Australia have all participated in financing and producing the plane.

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